How We Sign Up Over 30 New Members For This Dance Class Each Month
The Problem
This dance class had grown almost entirely organically. They had great teachers and great word of mouth but had never been able to crack the code for online leads. They reached out to us after speaking to one of our past clients to see how we could help the.
The Solution
For this campaign we knew right away we would have to test various forms of content, ad types and placements in order to find where the clients message resonated best.
Using rapid fire testing we were able to determine that their audience was most responsive on Instagram and that video view campaigns with added CTA’s were generating the results and data we needed.
We then moved to optimize the clients landing page in order to convert more of the traffic being sent there.
Using this we created a top funnel of beautifully designed Instagram specific video then re-targeted all viewers across Instagram and Facebook to great success.
The Results
- We have now worked with the client for three months and have developed successful targeting personas and lookalike audiences.
- Both our interest based audience and developed lookalike audience are acquiring sign ups for their classes at only $24. The classes cost $105 to take, resulting in a 4X ROAS (return on adspend) for the client.
- As with all of our campaigns we set up an in depth follow up system using emails and chat bots to make sure our client extracts the absolute maximum amount of value from each and every lead generated.
- We have also designed a re-targeting chat bot campaign in order to nuture future leads. We are receiving opt-ins to the bot at an average of $12.

INCOME DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are sales figures from (personal results, client results). Results are not typical. We are not implying that you will be able to duplicate these results and are using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors…including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.