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Real Estate Buyer Lead Generation Case Study - Calculated Marketing Services

Real Estate Buyer Lead Generation Case Study

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How We Generated Over 300 Buyer Leads And 9 Transactions For This Real Estate Agent In One Month

Real Estate Buyer Leads

Real Estate Buyer Leads

When this agent first approached us he had tried multiple lead gen sources but was never able to get close to the volume or quality we achieved. Here’s how we did it:

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30 Minutes That Will Change Your Business

The Problem

This agent had found success through referrals but had never been able to make online leads work for him by himself or through other agencies. They reached out to us after seeing our past client successes to see how we could help them.

The Solution

For this campaign we knew the general market was becoming a bit over saturated. To counteract this we created 3 different lead magnets to test. 

We then scaled lead magnets we found to be most successful horizontally and vertically. 

To determine the best audience and lead magnet to scale we employed the rapid fire testing method. 

We then set up a system that will text the client directly when a new lead has come in so they can reach out to them immediately and maintain a higher close rate. The faster you can communicate with the lead the more of them you will be able to turn into customers. 

We gave the client proven call scripts and then hooked up an automated chat bot to the back of the ads to qualify the leads even further. Finally we set up long term nurturing sequences that sent out messages and reports through email and text messaging over the course of a year.

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30 Minutes That Will Change Your Business

All of this led to the agent filling his pipeline with over 300 leads and 9 transactions in ONE MONTH!


The Results

For TOF results to a cold audience we are currently receiving basic leads at around $0.82 per lead as seen below.

Real Estate Buyer Leads

Real Estate Buyer Leads

This campaign has already resulted in the client adding 9 new transactions this past month and many more are currently in the pipeline. 

With over 330 leads in month one and over 200 already in month two he has begun to look at expanding his team and has never had a more successful year. Could you use more transactions for your real estate business? Book your call below.


Find Out How We Can Do This For You >>>

30 Minutes That Will Change Your Business

Find Out How We Can Do This For You >>>

30 Minutes That Will Change Your Business

INCOME DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are sales figures from (personal results, client results). Results are not typical. We are not implying that you will be able to duplicate these results and are using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors…including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.