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Facebook Leads - Calculated Marketing Services

Get more leads using Facebook Ads

Facebook Leads

Book A Free Consultation

Benefits of using Facebook Ads

  • Facebook currently has the cheapest attention you can buy. What does this mean for you? You can get your message in front of your audience cheaper here than anywhere else.
  • Facebook has the best targeting available for your campaigns. You can target people based on area, job title or even interests, and we know the most effective audiences for your industry.
  • Re-targeting on Facebook is extremely easy. If you have traffic to your website already, then you have a pre-built audience waiting for you. These are always some of the top performing campaigns across the board.
  • Most importantly, people spend a ridiculous amount of time on social media, a recent study showed it to be more than 25% of their entire day. Why wouldn’t your brand want to be there with them?

Book Your Free Strategy Session!

Let’s talk! Our free session is guaranteed to have you walking away with real, actionable steps to grow your business. Whether we decide to work together or not.

Book Today!

    How Facebook Ads Can Help Your Business Today:

    Facebook’s ad platform is the most powerful advertising tool available to do lead generation for your business… period. We put that tool to use for you by:

    • Building effective audiences, using information on your current and past customers, your website traffic and your social engagement.
    • Creating carefully tested, effective creative. We use the most up to date copy strategies and help you create and use the most effective images and videos for your ads.
    • Testing and optimizing everything. The only way to succeed with Facebook ads is to always be testing. We test and optimize every element of your campaigns to ensure you are getting the absolute best value for every dollar you spend.

    We have helped hundreds of real estate agents, mortgage brokers, personal trainers, SASS companies and more run profitable campaigns. Want to see for yourself? Check out our testimonials and some case studies here. Want to see even more results? Contact us today and we will be happy to show you.

    So the only question left is…. what are you waiting for? Set up a free strategy session below that will take only 10-30 minutes of your time. We guarantee you will leave that discussion with strategies you can use to improve your bottom line, whether we decide to work together or not.