How We Generate 60+ Leads AND 35 Conversations Every Month For This Mortgage Broker

Mortgage Broker Lead Generation
When this mortgage broker first approached us he had been running a successful business for years without ever having tried online marketing. We helped him take his business to the next level, here’s how we did it:
The Problem
This broker did not have enough people in his pipeline and wanted to generate not only leads but real tangible conversations. After checking out our past successes online he reached out to see how we could help him.
The Solution
For this campaign we started with three different refined audiences and potential lead magnets. This required us to launch an intense round of rapid fire testing to discover which audience and lead magnet resonated with us the most.
Using rapid fire testing we were able to determine the best converting audience and creative and have begun to properly scale that with success.
We found that our client was good at engaging leads directly through messenger so we used chat bot automations to start the conversations he was looking for. We then launched Facebook lead ads targeted to specific lead types he was after, in this case debt consolidation and mortgage re-finances where the primary targets.
We also gave the client proven call scripts and then hooked up an automated chat bot to the back of the ads to qualify the leads even further. Finally we set up long term nurturing sequences that sent out messages and reports through email and text messaging over the course of a year.
The Results
We achieved 35 conversations with potential clients at only $9 per conversation.
We also got 64 leads at $2.72 per lead for the various lead types he was looking for.
As with all of our campaigns we set up an in depth follow up system to make sure our client extracts the absolute maximum amount of value from each and every lead generated.
Our client is in the process of getting mortgages for 5 of these leads already and they keep coming in. Any one of those would pay for the entire campaign for 5 months.
Take a look at some of the conversations being started by our ads below:

INCOME DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are sales figures from (personal results, client results). Results are not typical. We are not implying that you will be able to duplicate these results and are using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors…including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.