Concepts & Resources Leveraged:
Analogy time. If you’re fighting over a pie worth say 100,000 with 10 other people who all got there first, then you would be lucky to come out with 10,000 and I mean lucky. If there was a smaller pie beside it worth 30,000 that no one was paying attention to wouldn’t it make more since to put your efforts there first?
This is a concept missed by so many business owners who do nothing but over saturate and under deliver in so many niches. One place this hasn’t happened *YET* is Facebook messenger marketing. We are still seeing 60% + open rates and the ability to actually interact with prospects, get them excited and let them sell to themselves.
Before going through the rest of this strategy please take the time to go through the above resources that are being leveraged. We use the terms here with the assumption that you have done so.