Find A Niche
The first step is knowing your market. Pick a business you can get results, get into your customers mindset and figure out what they are actively searching for.
Craft Your Message
Once you’ve gotten into your prospects mindset and figured out what they are actively looking for right now we can craft a short, specific email that entices them.
Most people want to craft long, over bloated emails with way too much information in them. They want to tell them everything about their company, their successes and their offer and guess what…. No one cares.
With cold email you only get one tiny fraction of a moment where they will pay attention so you have to make it count. Long informational emails work for warm audiences, but with cold we need to offer exactly what they want.
See some niche specific examples at the bottom of this article.
Set Up Your Tech Stack
Buy multiple domains:
Rule number one of cold emails, Buy multiple domains from a dealer such as GoDaddy. You never ever use your main domain thats is hooked up to your website as you will eventually get it blacklisted and it will affect your company emails.
The solution is to buy up a bunch of similar looking domains that you can use up until blacklisted and then move on to the next.
Create a Gsuite account for your domain:
Set up a new gsuite account seperate from your main email and domain and add your new domain to it for sending emails. The connection is quite simple but if you are struggling you can find instructions here:
Set up a account:
Head over to and set up an account, this will come with a small fee but is needed to automate and drip your email campaigns. They send out emails one after another and you can pace them as slow as you want so you can avoid being shut down.
Once you have it set up add your Gsuite email you set up above and create a campaign using the messaging you set up above + reminder email that sends 3 days after the first email if they did not respond.
Set up a debounce account:
Go to and set up an account. This tool is used to clean your email list and remove any email addresses that bounce or do not accept email campaigns. This will keep your domain active longer.
Set up a calendly account
Go to and set up a free account, connect it to your calendar and set up your first scheduling link.
Collect Emails For Campaign
Add this extension [Easy Email Scraper] to chrome:
- Go to Google and do the following search “ [insert niche name] in [insert city]”. Using a map do searches for cities to use starting at the bottom of the country (whichever country you want to search) and move your way up.
- Click on each website in the results and go to the contact us page. Then open the extension and click scrape.
- Go back to the search results and do step 2 until the search results no longer show [insert niche] websites.
Clean & Upload Your Email List
Every 1,000 emails you collect go to your debounce account, clean the list then take your clean list and upload it to Woodpecker.
Turn on your Woodpecker account, leaving it at 50 emails per day at first and increasing slowly every 3 days.
Monitor And Respond
Check your Gsuite account daily for any “yes” responses. Now you have two options, if your calendar is empty at the moment and you simply need more opportunities, then you can call them immediately at this point. If you need warmer sales calls as your calendar is already fairly booked, then you want to send the below response using your calendly link set up above:
Hi [insert name],
Thanks for the response, I find it best to have a quick call to see if these clients would be a good fit. Can you book a call with me at the link below at your convenience?
[insert calendly link]
I look forward to speaking with you.
[insert your name and signature]
And there you go! Follow this process and monitor the status of your domains. As they get flagged (and they all will eventually) replace them with a new fresh domain and keep going. Now get out there and start filling your Calendar!
Here are some examples of niche specific first emails, use these or craft your own using language and offers specific to your audience:
Real Estate:
I’m contacting you because we get a lot of new requests from people looking to buy property in your area and we don’t have a local realtor to send them to.
Reply with a quick “Yes” if you can take on more buyers.
Reply with a quick “No” if you want to be taken off the list.
[Insert Name]
Hi there,
I have some potential listings to send your way.
Reply with a quick “yes” if you are interested.
[Insert Name]
Dentist Offices
I have a number of potential patients to send your way.
Reply with a quick “yes” if you are interested and can take them on.
[insert name]
Hi there,
I have 5 potential patients to send your way.
Reply with a quick “yes” if you are interested.
[insert name]
Moving Companies
Hi There,
I have 10 potential moving clients to send your way.
Reply with a quick “yes” if you are interested.
[Insert Name]